connect with me on your spiritual journey…
Humans are multidimensional beings. We have physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. We go to different healthcare providers for physical and emotional support, but we often neglect our spiritual nature. We now know about the mind-body connection, and understand that feelings and thoughts impact our bodies. Our culture often minimizes the effects of sadness and loss on our well-being. Additionally, we often ignore the power of joy, love, and wonder, and the possibility for transformation.
Imagine the wholeness and harmony we could experience if we paid equal attention to our spiritual selves.
Spiritual Direction is a kind of spiritual care that promotes healing and growth through deep listening, empathy, and empowerment. I provide a spiritual framework for your unique journey using prayer, ritual, meditation, and art. I will accompany you through joy and grief, exploration and growth. We together create a spiritual framework for your journey through deep listening,
If interested in a virtual session, email me at:
Have a blessed day.